Saturday, February 13, 2010

What Does It Mean When A Uc Asks For Suppelmental Material I Won't Be Able To Go To A University, I'm Afraid To Tell My Mom And Embarrassed. Help?

I won't be able to go to a University, I'm afraid to tell my mom and embarrassed. help? - what does it mean when a uc asks for suppelmental material

I'm in one year in high school, I wanted to go to college and really try to get good grades. Although, after I spoke with my agent, I have learned that it is impossible to go directly after high school, when I go to a community college. I'm so .... I feel terrible.

My mother looked at me for studying so forward to a pharmacist. She said she was very proud of me and smile ... She even told me to keep the secret, so if I have a UC right to go to high school, the family will be surprised and they are very proud.
But ... not happen and I feel so bad.

I'm so ashamed. I know this is stereotyping, but true. I have friends from Asia and Asiall of them with high marks, know that they move more than two languages, sport and super in the best universities. Every time I see, I feel, I feel like a failure.

I know, I'm pessimistic, but true. My good friends are such wonderful people, and then when people come and ask what I have done nothing

My mother was waiting for the same amazing things about my sister, but she went instead of community college. My mother was so disappointed in him. She always told me (for 2 years) are not as they be, and go straight to college after high school. My mother hates the community college, she thinks it is for students who are too lazy and stupid in high school.

I do not know what to do. I mean, I want to go with the University of California, but thenthe old by the time you accept. I could at another school, whether I immediately after graduation, but my family will not be thrilled. I'm in a situation with no losses.


Spud said...

I just try the best we can do that, all I can do. When the air then you can do what they tell you in a negative sense, it is hot. The expectations of the family is a difficult thing to overcome, because even if they think they will help motivate us, sometimes we have just highlighted, and the alienation of the people who love them. See the answers from here and take heart that it is not lost your chance and do not forget that you can end a remarkable career, bypassing the "normal" way. So be not be impressed with you? It is clear to be successful and be proud of you, but we take a little more if it takes a little longer. Do not be too hard for him because he disappointed with his mother"Bragging" are somewhat reduced.

laughter... said...

I think he may have misunderstood his advice. It does not make decisions for approval. His prediction could be wrong. Anything you can do is to apply. Many states have free admission standard at least one campus of the state.

Kirk S said...

Congratulations! You have dishonored his family, and are on the level of "Pass 13" in school, while all Asian friends prestigious universities were determined.

Backoff said...

WOW. There is something wrong with your mother, not you.

Mito said...

You're still at the beginning of his third year, when time allows. See if it is in the summer and do what I can to improve their academics. Join the club and super busy. Study and make a large part of the SA and still has a chance at a good school. It's over.

Even if you are too short, the community college is not so bad. There are some advantages, and it could still pharmacist wants to be. Good luck.

Jim said...

Your adviser is an idiot. Do not listen. There is a reason that person worked in a school, not the world, something useful. Perhaps the odds are against you, go straight to a UC, but if you are creative enough and determined, I bet you can find a way. Finally, it should be accepted by one!

Early college enrollment. Many of them. Hold the application until the one you love, be accepted. But ... Think about what you want! Why is your mother for you, a pharmacist? Will you too? If so, great, but it may be one reason why he drags his feet, maybe you are interested in is not always a pharmacist. (You can tell your mother, that's not too old to go back to schooland investigation of himself.) says nothing more than a year break to stay in a previous post? Try this! (I consider my couch open for you.) ;-)

Your mother has strange ideas and prejudices. You must follow your own heart to find happiness. What do I always have people your age who have problems with their parents is: Do good and be happy and their parents with no choice but to accept, and stocks that have good luck.

Hey, you're an intelligent man. They will do well in life. Do not worry too much. :-)

Ruth G said...

In addition to work in their classes and apply to colleges.

You will be surprised that his grades begin to improve.

Undoubtedly, the community college will help you a satisfying career and his qualities, if justified, may be accepted at a college in four years.

Not in a position to determine what the life or the direction it takes when you are 16 years or 17 years old.

Tell your mother, who works hard, the best and they can not be concerned.

Give him a kiss and a hug to be and happy.

emucompb... said...

When I was your age, could a university in California to enter the power of standardized tests alone. ...

It appears that this remains true. Do you have bad grades, but good scores on the SA and SA materials, you can test, buy books, enter for the SA and SA subjects prepared Get 'em, tiger bloom late.

Mike G said...

Well, your mother. Nothing that should (due to low levels of education from the University in comparison to a university, you know: I have in both cases) of years. The main differences are the population and the relationship between the institution and the life of a student (you can not "hang" much more in a CC campus, a traditional university would be) more important in their lives. But CC faculty with a university degree and are trained in the classroom. Of course there are black sheep in every neighborhood, but say it is a big difference in quality is simply wrong, and more than a little aware of how education works.

In some ways, it is their problem, not yours. I know that this does not help to convince you, your ... but at least you can be sureit will not "resolve" to go to DC for two years and then transfer. And his mother did not really want to judge or your sister, on academic performance, parenting is a disgrace. You are who you are and your skills are, what they are. Maybe you could make it difficult for you, but if you do not yet reached and the elite, not a character flaw.

If you prefer to go to college and think you can take a break after high school make it, why not? People go to college in all age groups, such as a college professor, I see them all. There is no such thing as too old.

And as stated # 1, try to apply the CPU anyway. You never know what will happen.

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