Friday, January 8, 2010

Is There A Cure For Cystic Fibrosis Will There Ever Be A Cure For Cystic Fibrosis?

Will there ever be a cure for cystic fibrosis? - is there a cure for cystic fibrosis

He was sorry for the death of the young


♥ Crys ♥ said...

Maybe someday. It's like cancer, again? We can wait. For now, CFER receive a lung transplant and that the purchase of 2-7 years, but the reality sucks. Investigations are carried out, but I think that can not stop until our government is not losing money and the bombing of the reconstruction abroad, it will be enough money to actually find a cure for cystic fibrosis and cancer.

steveang... said...

I hope and pray that I one day become a respiratory therapist who will be the pleasure of some of the patients in whom the disease had. You have touched my heart. One of them received a heart-lung trans Bonpland and have a longer life than normal in CF patients, but one can never "heal".

I will pray for the healing to me always, and continue to treat these diseases, after all this, it is medicne took ... To help people.

Progress W / Medical Feild is much better, the lives of these patients do not get much more .. Then maybe one day soon we will see a cure.

Jessie said...

likely. I just hope that does the CF Foundation is a pharmaceutical company. But I doubt it will be in ourlifetime. And even if a cure or find a way to determine the effects of cystic fibrosis lung damage and blah reverse. I think that would be most of us are happy to spill something that effects them.

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